Lama dah aku x tulis kat blog..buat apa kan..sblum ni aku merapu ja lebih..xdaq kali ni aku nak tulis sbb aku nak ringankan beban kat jiwa aku ni..skrg ni aku baru semester kedua degree..mngkin bg korg awal lagi aku nak xpalah..jnji terluah...mungkin ada antara korg mcm aku juga first sem degree boleh main2 x sbnrnya..dr mula2 lagi kena struggle..kalau x jadi mcm aku ni...pointer atas pagar...dalam pemerhatian dak akademik...nasib baik x kena dismiss..aku repeat byk subj...skrg aku tgh bkejar ngan dak lecturer sana sini mintak kebenaran masuk kelas derang...dah lah xdpt hostel kena ulang alik dr aku dah buat rayuan..hopefully dapat.amin.untuk sem ni aku cuma amik 15 credit hour je max sbb kata encik kat HEA tu aku dlm pemerhatian..sbb dak fakulti nak aku balancekan balik pointer aku..dia x bg amik mungikin pasti..aku bakal extend 1-2 sem...aku xkisah problem kat duitlah..sbb aku pun meminjam dr ptptn..nti kalau extend nak dpt duit dr mana..y ada skrg ni pun xckp u tmpung satu kena keje..xtau keje apa..buat saving for extend nnti...but hopefully aku leh catch up...and grad on time... walau macam mana pun hidup masih kena diteruskan...bagi y terbaca entry aku ni..tolong doakan aku..semoga segala urusanku dipermudahkan....aku tgh berusaha x tinggal solat..yelah salah satu penyebab kenapa hidup aku teruk sgt skrg ni adalah dari hubungan aku dengan Allah x berapa baik..aku lupa solat..sekali dia dah bagi kena setempek kat muka..padan muka aku kan...apapapun aku dah ambik segalanya sbgi iktibar...aku masih berusaha...semoga segalanya dipermudahkan oleh Dia.amin.
Tuesday 6 September 2016
Friday 14 March 2014
well,aku bukannya jenis manusia y suka sharekan pekara pribadi kat any laman sosial.
tapi macam xleh nak elakkan diri plak dr perkara mcm tu.
thats why thats why thats why.
aku nak buat sikit luahan hati..since my blog does not have many followers.n nobody will actually read it anyway.LOL TT
tp kalo ad y mmbaca korang jgn plak fikir negative psl ni hahaha
ok tarik nafas dalam......fuhhhh
aku dulu ada impian...emmm more to cita-cita kot...eleh sama lah tu..
impian pertama aku adalah nak blaja architecture.
tyme zaman sekolah dulu,chegu aku ckp jalan plg baik,but panjang n plg org x pandang.but u started it from politeknik.amik diploma kat sna.then smbg degree kat universiti.n yada yada....
jalan ni org x pandang,sbb mostly budak poli org anggap bebudak y xnak blaja dah derang prefer teknikal n so on....
tp at the end,,the techniques jugak orang pandang bila dah keje nanti....
but this dream was destroyed when my mom cannot accept me to study kat poli,siap dia ngadu kat aunty aku....
after that my aunty aku convince aku cmni.. " aku tengok kau mcm permata takkan lah kau nak blaja kat poli je kot." puihhh...bullshit nye alasan just because aku dr mrsm aku xleh masok poli..mcm lah budak budak poli tu bodoh belaka.,,,well hello, x semua okay,,bebudak poli tu not bad ape???? derang pon bila habes blaja laku kotttt....
my parents lak asyik asyik suroh aku amik cikgu.actually aku bknnya mnntang sgt ngan kerjaya cikgu tp bila dah didesak d tekankan sebegitu rupa..haishshhh memberontak lah aku...hari hari aku kene nak bg depa puas..aku apply semuala cikgu..upu aku..semua pilihan aku mintak pendidikan.dgn yang ipg lagiiii,,,at the end...semua x dpt,,,Allah swt tahu aku x ikhlas kot tu la pasal....then after that,i put all the blame kat my parents...jahatkan aku...sorry mak sorry bapak...
tp kejadian x selesai kat situ..after that my parents marah lah aku nape x dpt.then aku jwb je la..." ntah xde rezeki kot,aku x salah sbb semua aku isi cikgu.aku ikut je ap mak n bapak suroh" depa tdiam la lepas xlama la..derang mula bebel balik..bebel dan bebel lagi...aku plak rs nak lariii je...the only tawaran y aku dpt tyme tu is matrix...
aku end up grab that sbgi jalan nak lari dr umah..niat aku..nak lari..bukan nak belaja...aku dr dulu..xde hati langsong nak blaja bila d matrix aku x blaja laaahh..siyes weyy,,,,harapan.impian..hanccur macam tuu je....aku rasa putus harapan je..lama juga lah aku nak pulih dr rasa tu..smpi skrg aku try sebaik mungkin...untuk pulih..aku xnak salahkan parents aku dgn apa y tlh tjadi.derang parents aku.restu derang sgt pntg..aku sayangkan derang.. skrg aku dah x blaja kat mtrix lagi dh..aku keluar after one sem. aku blaja diploma kejuruteraan kimia kat uitm dah skrg...
dah dah dah..past is past..astaghrfirullahhh..
my second dream is to study overseas..haaaa ni mngkin bunyi dia mustahil ..lagi lagi aku y pemalas nak blaja ni....aku plan nak buat tyme master ni...mmg susah tp x mustahilkan..di mana ad kemahuan di situ ad jalannya.... yang ini aku serahkan kat Allah swt
janji ada usaha,,aku akan bdoa n berusaha....amin amin impian ni dikabulkan...
seterusnya..actually pekerjaan y aku teringin nak jadi bila dah habes belajar semua is housewife,
ye korang housewife,suri rumah tangga or domestic engineer..hehhe
awatla pulak blaja tggi2 tp nak jd tu je..sbbnya aku nak bg spnuh tumpuan dan perhatian kat encik suami in future n anak anak...
tp org ckp apa apa pon boleh jadi in future so sbgi back up aku kene keje...
the only pkerjaan y aku boleh fikirkan and at the same time boleh spend time wth family is cikgu..ehem ehem..aku dah ckp kat ats td kan.actually aku ni sbnrnya bknlah menentang sgt jd ccikgu,,it's just i dont want to study it.let me study bnda y aku nak dulu.then bru aku apply jd cikgu..kan ad je program kursus jd cikgu eventho ko bkn student ipg or upsi sblm nii...
so cikgu is my last resort..hahahha....okay thats all my luahan hati or actually future planning je.hahahhaha
Monday 19 August 2013
a letter from a friend
assalamualaikum wbt
okay uolls,
di sini aku nak pastekan je a letter from my friend,my former classmate n beautifuly kind Ruzzana. She wrote this letter pass one or two years back then..kira surat lama la,was posted to all Batch 14th,i guesss,okay ni mybe dkategorikan as plagiat,tp kuat saya tegakkan di sini,surat ini bukan saya yang tulis.,...okay lets read it,mna tau korang dpt inspiration...
okay uolls,
di sini aku nak pastekan je a letter from my friend,my former classmate n beautifuly kind Ruzzana. She wrote this letter pass one or two years back then..kira surat lama la,was posted to all Batch 14th,i guesss,okay ni mybe dkategorikan as plagiat,tp kuat saya tegakkan di sini,surat ini bukan saya yang tulis.,...okay lets read it,mna tau korang dpt inspiration...
been a while since I left MRSM Kuching, and when I wrote this I am 2 months old
in a new place, somewhere that Allah had destined me to be at. Brothers and
sisters, I hope all of you are doing fine there.
now, I am spending most of my leisure evening time dissolving myself in
nature. Somehow and somewhat, the serene
and tranquil moment reminds me of MRSM Kuching. Those 5 year imperishable memories
of how I learned and shaped myself for better good, I did treasure it. So much.
at MRSM Kuching
a student, it is not about scoring good grades or showing off strings of A+ that
you obtained in your exams. It is more than that. Especially when you call
yourself an MRSM student, the challenge is there. To give more than what people
expected you to do.
I embarked on my first eye-opening experience, in MRSM Kuching. Two of my elder
sisters had been in this system, and I wanted to be part of it too, so badly. Alhamdulillah,
I made it. Thrilled to see all those warm welcomes and greetings, I fell in
love at the first sight. Respectful greetings for the teachers and staff,
gatherings in Surau Al Misbahul Munir and lots more. Brothers and sisters, it
is now your turn to preserve and enliven this surroundings for the next
generation, make it a real acknowledgement of an MRSM student.
I remember
serving as one of the Students’ Representative Council committee. True to
words, great position comes with great challenges and high expectations. Studying
at the same time, frankly saying, I am overstrained. Time management is my
biggest weakness. Multitasking is the thing that turned me fussy and whiney.
But now I am grateful that I had been there, I learnt something, I become
someone. Feeling happy that I manage to deal with things that I dislike most,
a leader, I had the chance to impart what
knowhow I had into something beneficial for my fellow college mates. Leadership
is one port to train oneself to deal with important matters, important peoples
and even problems. It enhances your skill, your value. Do not hesitate if
people put their trust on you, accept the challenge and do something, because
you are meant for it. However I must warn you, do prioritize which and which is
important. I learned prioritizing when my schedule got messed up with all the
homework and tasks piling up at the end of the day. I admit, I’m not good at
this, but at least a bit better than how I was before. That’s okay, one step at
a time.
you did something, you receive this kind of common applaud or recognition, but
what comes in between are the critics and the boos, and you feel that you get
nothing in return but only exhaustion, this is when sincerity play its part. Be
sincere in being the hand that gives, so that success or failure won’t affect
you much.
I’m sure you are aware of this kind of situation. It is common when it comes to
speaking in front or expressing ideas in public, no one volunteer themselves.
laa.. I’m not good at these stuff laa..”
I am
one of them, constantly avoiding being the chosen one. Then, I realized. It is
now or never. If you refused to try even once, then you’ll never do it for the
rest of your life.
let’s give this a try!”
for sure I never regretted doing so!
of my new-found hobby in MRSM Kuching: painting.
My study life went a bit bumpy somehow. I did well sometimes,
but there were times when I my grades rocketed downwards. I’ve been summoned by
the teachers for a few times, and got a bit of brainwash. My fault, of course. Don’t
be dejected if you failed or rejected or do wrong, you should be elated to know
that you’re elected among those who are tested, subjected to the way you
responded. Pressure and failure can be a good thing or vice versa, depends on
how you respond to it, or to put it simply, your mindset.
Nonetheless, I just love the fact that I met lots of my
closest peeps there in MRSM Kuching. The teachers, they had been more than just
a teacher. Can’t help but to feel gratified of what they did for me, especially
for correcting me when I am wrong. Walk me through the ups and downs there.
They give us more than what they got; they couldn’t care less with the salary
and pays.
Friends and teacher, after our last Visual Art class session.
I even made friends with the Chinese, Indians, Ibanese,
Malays and lots more. It is preferable for a big circle of friends, because I
find differences as beautiful imperfections we all had. Some of them apparently
become one of the most inspiring and influential person in my life, till now.
Do not take imperfections and differences that draw us apart, as God created us
to complete each other.
Graduation moment
As to conclude it all, enjoy your life as a student to the
fullest, while in the meantime boost up your values and skills, corresponds to
how hard you strive for good grades. Keep God near to us, He is the manager of
everything, no matter how great you planned or how hard you tried. There are
lots of things to share, but I can’t put it all in words. You’ll be here in our
place someday; you’ll surely go through all these experiences. I wish you the
best, may someday we meet again. InsyaAllah.
okay maybe korang tertanya2 cmne bleh ada gmbaq dalam letter dia,
dia sent letter ni,through fb akaun,so dia type kat ms words and sent via fb laaaa....kan dpt attach document d situ,,,cmtulahhhhh heee.
Thursday 1 August 2013
Happy Friendship Day
Assalamualaikum wbt
Hye guys,
Happy Friendship Day ..
Aku ucapkan especially kat
my bestiestsss
sahabats till jannah kawan susah senang dr zaman hingusan
Amal,Gacie,Ieka,Nus,Nool,Didi,Iena,Ieda,Mbok,Zeemah,Usu Akma,Adeq,Aina,Alin,Atien,Fina,Kayah,BSG(haha!),ieba,jehan
rumates tyme matrik...
sahabat dunia akhirat teman suka duka di UiTM ni
Azza,Zila,Jun,Kay,Nic,nad sabah
kawan gila-gila dian,soph,bel ,nad and the rest of EH110 (12/13)
my lovely Ghazalians(2010-2011)
my beloved
Batch 14th of MJSC Kuching
And last but not least
kat korang-korang sume yang baik hati nak jenguk-jenguk blog ni..
I Love You Guys Sangat2 ..
May Allah bless u all,
Tuesday 30 July 2013
33 Pesan Nabi SAW
Assalamualaikum wbt
okay guys,hari ni bukan nak cheghita pasai hadis-hadis tau..
Tapi nak cheghita pasai buku 33 pesan nabi bukunya,,,
Korang boleh lah cari kat mana-mana kedai buku dengan harga RM15.90 je..
Murah tu..
Nak dijadikan cerita,asalnya aku tak tpikiaq pon nak beli buku ni..
because at that time aku nak beli novel..
sampai kat kaunter bayaq tu..kwn aku dok syor lah..
"Ain!komik hadis dowh..belilah belilah. nanti aku pinjam"
bunyi cenggitulah..
time tu aku balaslah balik
"kau belilah,nnti aku pinjam"
Dia pulak lepas tu buat muka asam jerok dia cakap takde duett
Time aku aku punya suara-suara hati dok berperanglah kan
nak beli ka idok...?
But then,aku terfikir...
"kau ni,,,beli novel yang cecah RM20++ tu sanggup kau beli
buku hadis,dalam bentuk komik plak tu RM15.90 je pon takkan kot kau taknak beli.Kalau hadis yang dalam bentuk ayat2 pjg jela tu kau tak sanggup baca..why dont this kind of penyampaian atrract ur attraction u baca dia.."
cenggitu cengitu lah...
And then,aku decide untuk beli...
Yes! pada asal aku beli pasai mcm aku punya inner suara hati dok berperangkan,selalunya kalau cenggini aku beli ja,tp x baca ponn
Balik tu ..of cos la aku tak bukak g buku ni bacause aku dok hirau kat novel baru tu..
Lagipon buku ni kawan aku dah rembat dulu nak baca..
tapi bila buku ni dah sampai kat aku balik and aku try nak baca..
Sbb aku baru baca cerita first dia..
tp dah tangkap hati aku nak teruskan membaca,,
Sgt best! ada sense2 of humour jugak..
tak rugi beli
at the same time BERMANFAAT.
semoga dapat jadi panduan Dunia Akhirat
and akhir kata,aku harap Malaysia dapat lahirkan kartunis
yang hasilkan buku-buku ilmiah cenggini(eh,ke dah ada???)
Monday 29 July 2013
assalamualaikum wbt
Hye guys yang baik hati sudi baca post2 aku ni.heheh=)
Recently ,I decided to update my blog more often.inshaAllah as long as i have ideas to do so...
Besides,I want to polish my writing skills.
So,korg dialu2kan u menegur if there any grammar mistakes and yada yada,,,
Tujuan nak post entry ni hanya lah nak post gmbaq2 ni..
Dua2 gambaq atas tu ,aku dpt dr fb hlovate >>
Hmmm,Yesss aku peminat hlovate,setakat ni aku dah collect almost all of her karyas as my collections.
Korg belilah sendiri buku2 dia,baca dan nilai...
Aku berani jamin,korg pasti jatuh chenta ngan karya2 dia,....
InshaAllah,hati kita Allah swt yang pegang..
Salam . Peace!
Tuesday 7 May 2013
saya x pandai menulis
saya hanya tahu membaca dan menilai.
saya x pandai nak karang ayat y berjela-jela untuk tarik perhatian orang
saya hanya tahu menghayati dan memahami hasil karangan orang
ada beberapa orang penulis yang saya kagumi
kerana kelebihan mereka menulis dan
menarik minat saya membaca karya-karya mereka
sehinggakan membuat saya ternanti-nanti hasil karya mereka di post d alam maya atau dibukukan
maafkan saya
kerana saya hanya seorang insan yang mempunyai seribu satu kelemahan
di mana saya hanya tahu menerima tapi x memberi
acap kali saya menangis kerana membaca tulisan orang-orang yang mahir ini,
kerana kelebihan mereka
hati saya terpaut untuk merasa rahsia disebalik tulisan itu
memanglah Allah swt itu sangat adil
orang-orang seperti saya dicipta untuk menghargai kelebihan orang-orang seperti mereka
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