Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

yesterday i've attend a meeting wth old and new mmbers of clickers photography club UiTM PP.
there's a lots of things impressed me there.yela...the photography arts are really awesome..key..aku budak seni thts why ,aku easily impressed by those seni things.

But then, it's kind of hambar when  i joined it w/out a camera. yesss,there are lots of xtvt had planned,n it's sound fun!!but i've no cameraaaa,,wanna take pictures to..so I guess,i wanna to collect some money,well a lots of money actually to buy a DSLR.

dream to have one....

dulu,janji kt parents if dpt straight A's in SPM.they'll buy me one.but,unfortunately................not.MY MISTAKE!


Saturday, 27 October 2012

salam Aidil Adha.

Assalamualaikum n greetings.

Alhamdulillah,sekali g Allah bg sy ruang n masa buat sy menulis dlm blog y x sbrapa indah ni.
walaubagaimanapun,teringin juga nak menaip.xkisah la org baca ke x baca..hihihi.

sempena Hari Raya Aidil Adha ni,sy nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat semua umat islam di muka bumi ni. pejam celik,pejam celik,tersedar tahun  ni dah kira 2 tahun aku x beraya with my family. Last year because of ad event for form 5 students aku stayed at school n this year stayed at college psl  jauh la srwk ni dr labuan.heheheh

sayu mmg la sayu,lebih2 g dgr takbir raya.yela,no family tyme raya2 ni. However ad hikmahnya,because aku dpt rasa cmne smbhyg raya ni,kalo kt umah aku x g smbhyang raya,why??sbb x dbiasakan kott..psni Insya Allah,aku nak g solat raya even kat umah.

then,aku dpt raikan raya with all my friends.

semalam seharian kat surau p tolong ap y patut kat surau. because ad jamuan ptg tu,so tolong le masak2 ke.tp lebih banyak tolong kacau la,...

baru terasa bestnye activity cmtu,simpan niat plak nak join mak p tolong2 org kat kenduri pasni.LOL

penat mmg la penat tp seronoknya,Ya Allah,hanya Allah y tahu,.Allahu Akbar.

ni gmbr ktorg,lepas solat,ad jamuan kecil2.hehhehe.comelkan ktorg.



Wednesday, 18 April 2012