Sunday, 17 March 2013


#exam is coming!!

a while ago , i watched a video from vlogger aiman was his one of his old video but i just watched it recently...

okay the title of the video is speak english can-lah?(if im not mistaken-lah)
you could search it via

somewhat,.... i like it when he said

"Don't stop others for moving forward just because you CHOOSE to stay behind"

after i heard he said that i felt like...WOW!
it's awesome and inspired...

well, i always wanted to speak in english with other friends,
yet i am afraid to do so..because i am afraid what they gonna said about me.
because i am afraid that I can't speak well...
i really really have low self-confident
then i ask myself...

"if you keep on to be like this,not to have any courage to move forward,how can you want to success,you can do it,in shaa Allah."

my english teachers always said this "it's okay if you speak in broken English as long as you want to speak,at least in my class"

even one my teachers back then forbid us to speak malay in her's not like she anti-malay or what,but if i kept refuse myself to speak how can-lah i want to improve myself.

even Islam encourage us to learn other languages besides our own language,it's not like we're gonna to forget our own language,culture or what,
it's for our own benefits.
for ourselves improvement.
yeah, i know there's maybe a ton of grammar errors in my entry,but i don't care,because i tried my best to write it.

thats all.peace=)


Assalamualaikum and  greetings,

semalam,, ada org nak bunuh diri kat depan bilik aku ni...
ura-ura mengatakan dia frust+stress dek kena putus oleh boyfriend dia...

okay,,, the moment aku dengar pasal case ni(it was happen around 8 pm,the girl already hentak2 her head n kelar her hand,k seramm) i felt like huh.what?BODOHNYER..

why bother to hurt urself for someone that dont deserve ur love...
kat mana nilai cinta dia pd Allah,?
kat mana dia letak rasa cinta dia pada parents dia,?



Sabda Nabi s.a.w.

 ” كان فيمن كان قبلكم رجل به جرح , فجزع , فأخذ سكينا فحز بها يده فما رقأ الدم حتى مات . قال الله عز وجل : عبدي بادرني بنفسه , فحرمت عليه الجنة ” .

Ertinya: “Ada seorang lelaki  sebelum dari kamu telah luka, lalu dia tidak sabar menanggungnya,   dia mengambil pisau lalu memotong tangannya maka keluarlah darah tidak berhenti-henti sehingga dia meninggal dunia. Allah Azzawajalla befirman, “Hamba Ku telah bertindak-tergesa-gesa terhadap dirinya maka Aku haramkan kepadanya memasuki syurga”.

membunuh itu haram,x kira lah membunuh diri ataupun orang lain,,
pembunuhan yang Allah benarkn cumalah pembunuhan ketika perang, itu pun apabila kita diserang,dan HARAM bunuh jika pihak musuh menyerah kalah,..dan HARAM bunuh jika musuh itu dalam keadaan tidak mencederakan orang lain,...

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

yesterday i've attend a meeting wth old and new mmbers of clickers photography club UiTM PP.
there's a lots of things impressed me there.yela...the photography arts are really awesome..key..aku budak seni thts why ,aku easily impressed by those seni things.

But then, it's kind of hambar when  i joined it w/out a camera. yesss,there are lots of xtvt had planned,n it's sound fun!!but i've no cameraaaa,,wanna take pictures I guess,i wanna to collect some money,well a lots of money actually to buy a DSLR.

dream to have one....

dulu,janji kt parents if dpt straight A's in SPM.they'll buy me one.but,unfortunately................not.MY MISTAKE!


Saturday, 27 October 2012

salam Aidil Adha.

Assalamualaikum n greetings.

Alhamdulillah,sekali g Allah bg sy ruang n masa buat sy menulis dlm blog y x sbrapa indah ni.
walaubagaimanapun,teringin juga nak menaip.xkisah la org baca ke x baca..hihihi.

sempena Hari Raya Aidil Adha ni,sy nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat semua umat islam di muka bumi ni. pejam celik,pejam celik,tersedar tahun  ni dah kira 2 tahun aku x beraya with my family. Last year because of ad event for form 5 students aku stayed at school n this year stayed at college psl  jauh la srwk ni dr labuan.heheheh

sayu mmg la sayu,lebih2 g dgr takbir raya.yela,no family tyme raya2 ni. However ad hikmahnya,because aku dpt rasa cmne smbhyg raya ni,kalo kt umah aku x g smbhyang raya,why??sbb x dbiasakan kott..psni Insya Allah,aku nak g solat raya even kat umah.

then,aku dpt raikan raya with all my friends.

semalam seharian kat surau p tolong ap y patut kat surau. because ad jamuan ptg tu,so tolong le masak2 lebih banyak tolong kacau la,...

baru terasa bestnye activity cmtu,simpan niat plak nak join mak p tolong2 org kat kenduri pasni.LOL

penat mmg la penat tp seronoknya,Ya Allah,hanya Allah y tahu,.Allahu Akbar.

ni gmbr ktorg,lepas solat,ad jamuan kecil2.hehhehe.comelkan ktorg.



Wednesday, 18 April 2012